Sunday, September 1, 2013

Aquarium Plans

August 27

What are your plans for your bottle/aquarium?  Include types and number of organisms kept as well as your goals for the assignment.  Why did you choose these organisms?  Look up and describe their natural habitats and explain how your ecosystem will meet their needs.

My plans for my aquarium is to be fairly small, I was thinking probably 5 gallons or under. I wanted a filter or a bubbler to make cleaning easier, and especially to have live plants to help out with the bacteria and natural balancing of the aquarium. I was going to be keeping african dwarf frogs, maybe 2 or 3 of them.. and if I can possibly get the pet store to allow them for free, pick up some of the baby fish that are born by the mollies and whatnot and just let them grow up in the tank with the frogs. I chose african dwarf frogs because they are fairly easy to take care of, I have already had them in the past. They are cute and swim around and tend to be pretty hearty and hard to kill. Doing research on the African Dwarf frogs I have learned that they only grow to a length just over two inches, and are slow swimmers so they need to get to the surface quickly for a breath of air. It says that there should be approximately 1 gallon of water per frog in the habitat.  The pH level of the tank should be between 6.0 and 7.0 to sustain their life. Having decorations in the tank is important so that the frogs have a place to feel secure and hide away. Dwarf frogs do not destroy the plants at all so real live plants can be kept with them. Dwarf frogs are naturally very shy creatures. The way that I have set my tank up will allow them to have plenty of plants and a little statue to hide away in and be suitable. I have already dechlorinated the water and added a bacterial supplement and the tank will have been set up for a week before adding the frogs in, therefore the pH level should already be balanced accordingly when we check it soon. As far as the baby fish, It depends on the type of breed they are but most baby fish just need hiding places to feel safe in, The frogs and most of the baby fish that the pet store has are both community animals so they should live easily together. Dwarf frogs are also very sensitive to water vibrations, since my tank does not have a filter, but does have an aerator, they should have no problems adjusting or getting sucked up into anything. Having lights on for dwarf frogs 24 hours is unsettling to them, The lights in my aquarium should only be on for about a hour and 1/2 everyday, unless I leave it on and turn it off at the end of the school day which would be about 8 hours. The tank will need to have weekly water changes to ensure the cleanliness for the fish and frogs living in it. The frogs don't do very well by just placing food in their tank as it falls to the bottom and can get lost very quickly so I intend to being hand feeding them to ensure that they are eating the correct amount.


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