Sunday, September 1, 2013

Water Issue Presentation

August 30—

Tell me about your water issue presentation.  Why did you choose this topic?  What have you learned so far, and why is it important for society to be aware of this issue?

My partner and I's topic is how to conserve water in our daily use activities. We chose this topic because it was something we could both do easily and find research on. We knew that we could easily ask our parents (since they are residents of Highland Village) about how they use the water and if they knew any ways that they could possibly help conserve water. We have learned some of the everyday ways to conserve water such as : 
·         Use one glass for the entire day or refill a water bottle
·         Learn how to use you water meter
·         Fix leaky faucets
·         Water you are not drinking, pour it on a plant
·         Take shorter shower
·         Accept having a dirty car and brown lawn during a drought
·         Talk to your family on how can reduce water use around the house
·         Have a water schedule
·         Use a broom instead of a hose to clean your driveway or porch
·         Upgrade older toilets with water saving water sense models
·         Never water your lawn if the soil is still wet
·         Insulate your water pipes
·         Use your dishwasher and washing machine for full loads only
·         Keep a water bottle in the fridge (this cools the water off instead of getting cold water from the fountain)
·         Don’t run the hose while washing your car
·         Don’t let your house catch on fire (firefights use large amounts of water)

It is very important for society to be aware of this topic because we have 7 billion people on this planet and the amount of water that we waste and use daily is ridiculous. Water is a very precious resource that is essential to life and we tend to take it for granted. Most of the world does not even have clean water to drink like we do here in America yet we waste it by doing the simplest things such as leaving the water on while brushing our teeth, that is 5 gallons wasted right there! Water is to be conserved in any way possible if we can, to do better for our world and treat it correctly so that our future generations can possibly enjoy the luxuries that we currently have in our day and age. 

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