Sunday, September 1, 2013

Water Uses Activity

August 26 

What did you learn in the water uses round robin activity?  Discuss at least 3 of the assigned topics and what you gained from each. If you were absent or cannot remember some of the topics you may write on uses of freshwater, properties of water and ways to conserve our freshwater resources.

For the Red Robin activity, my group had the topic to discuss the importance of knowing your water properties. Some of the reasonings that we put were: You could be aware what type of freshwater can cause allergic reactions, You can notice what type of invasive species are in your area that are potentially harmful such as leeches or zebra mussel, You can understand the plants beneficiality to the fish that are currently living in that ecosystem, How everything evolves in that certain ecosystem, and how to stabilize the ph level of the water. For another group their topic was the problems and the benefits of water in our world. Their problems consisted of humidity, flooding, hurricanes, erosion, invasion of animals and respiratory problems. Their benefits were sea breeze, irrigation, fresh seafood, fishing, and a food supply for people and animals. Some more benefits would be rain water and cooling off the temperature of the area. A third group had to list the facts about water. Some of those facts include: Ph level of H2O is 7, Water can be a liquid, solid or gas, 70% of the earth is made out of water, Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius and freezes at 0 degrees Celsius, And the Density is 1 kg/m^3. Most of all of this information was just basic and a beginning into the water cycle. 

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