Saturday, September 7, 2013

Water Issue Presentations

September 5—
What did you learn during the water issue presentations?  Give at least 5 good facts you learned.  Which presentation was the best in your opinion, and what made it so good?  Looking back, what could you have done better on your presentation?

Some of the random facts learned from the water issue presentations are:
- A 12 oz steak takes 645 gallons to produce compared to a salad that takes only 14.079 gallons
- Point pollution comes from a single source, Non-point pollution comes from land run off or precipitation, multiple sources.
- To conserve the lakes and water pollution you can use low phosphorus detergents for laundry
- With global warming some of the fish can die simply from too high or water temperature
- Zebra mussles are an extremely invasive species measuring about 2 inches long, they are more of a nuisance but can allow the littoral zone of lakes to become more fertile as well
- Prescription drugs can be passed into the water through excretion and disposal. 
- Unclean water can feminize fish by estrogen being contained in birth control pills or fertility treatments.
- Marcus High School used about 51,750 gallons of water in a day last year. Has an automated irrigation system, and has 16 water meters on the campus currently.
- Lewisville drinking water comes from the Lewisville Water Works
- Dams have an electric generator with turbines that are moved by the water.
- The Lewisville Lake Dam is deteriorating and considered high risk but cannot be repaired until 2017-18 and will cost 100 million dollars to fix. 

In my opinion, The presentation that spoke about the water use at Marcus was the best because they had a full interview with the principal himself that gave out a lot of facts and stats and they had the most reliable information in the presentation. I enjoyed that they had a video of the principal speaking himself instead of just writing down his answers, they were well prepared as well. 

In our presentation, I think the only thing we could have done better is if my partner had been able to send me the photos of his parents that he interviewed, and if we could have maybe had better information to relate it back to the Highland Village/Flower Mound community but overall I think that our PowerPoint was clean and informative and that it went over well with all of the speaking and reading and class participation 

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