Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Aquarium Update

September 24—Update me on your bottle/aquarium.  Refer to your observations and BE SPECIFIC. What were your water quality test results?  What do these results mean?  What changes have you made to your aquarium as a result?

 The bumblebee platy was found dead yesterday and was possibly sick before I purchased her or just go stuck. I may need to syphon the gravel soon because there seems to be a lot of uneaten food or dead plant material on the bottom. Overall the plants look healthy besides the grass in the back, may need to remove it eventually. The fish enjoy eating the tropical flakes, they eat smaller crushed up flakes better and constantly wait for food to be dropped in when the lid is opened. The male guppy seems to show a little bit neurotic of behavior, swimming up and down and all around the tank. The swordtails are the only fish who somewhat mess with the frogs, they just kinda prod at them every now and then, not sure if in a aggressive manner or just curious though. I believe the latter. The frogs have really livened up, they swim to the top a lot and don't hide out as much. Everything is looking pretty well.  Just waiting to see if there needs to be changes made or not. The temperature is at 78 degrees Fahrenheit  the ammonia is at a .50, and the nitrate is at a 5.0, all of these results are an improvement since the last water quality test! 

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