Sunday, September 1, 2013

Aquarium Set-Up

August 28

How did you set up your bottle/aquarium?  BE SPECIFIC.   Include everything you did in class today to get your bottle/aquarium up and running and (hopefully!) ready soon for fish!  Be sure to include a picture of your aquarium.

To set up my aquarium, I bought a new aquarium with an aerator in the center at petsmart along with all of the decorations and live plants. First, I put all of the pieces of the aquarium together and assured (following the directions) that everything was assembled properly. Then second, I cleaned off all of the black sand substrate and placed it in the bottom of the tank, after that I added in 2 gallons of water, and slowly fished out all of the sand bubbles that floated to the top of the water. I then added the NutraCycle and NutraSafe dechlorinator and bacterial supplement to the water in the proper amount to create a balanced ecosystem in the tank. I then added in the live plants and placed rocks on the roots so that they wouldn't float up, and I added a little house decoration as well as a hiding place. Then on top of the black sand I sprinkled gold pebbles just to add a dash of color to the tank. I made sure that the aerator top was placed correctly so that no frog or fish can swim down it and get stuck in any way. I plugged the tank in and made sure that everything was working correctly, and everything was working perfectly so I left it like that, adding in more bacterial supplement for the next 3 days as you are supposed to do to create a balance for a brand new aquarium before setting fish in it. 

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