Saturday, September 7, 2013

Aquarium Progress/Water Quality Results

September 4—
How is your bottle/aquarium progressing so far?  Refer to your observations and BE SPECIFIC.  What were your water quality test results?  What do these results mean?  What changes have you made to your aquarium as a result? 

So far I do not have any fish or frogs in my aquarium yet. The water is consistently clear with all of the equipment working properly such as lights and aerator. The newly bought plants are producing dead material on the substrate that I have to continue to clean up. I believe the death is possibly due to the root damage that they experienced when unwrapping them from the pet store. I also believe they are causing a higher ammonia level in the tank currently. I may remove the plants completely if they become any worse with their browning leaves. The grass in the back with the fully intact roots seems to continue being the healthiest overall. The temperature is consistent with the placing of the tank in the room. Hopefully soon I will be adding the frogs into the tank.  

My water quality test results:
Free Chlorine: 0
Total Chlorine: 0
Total Hardness: 7/120
Total Alkalinity: 240
pH: 8.4

Nitrate: 0ppm
Ammonia: .25ppm 
Temperature: 25 degrees Celsius, 76 Degrees Fahrenheit

These results mean that the tank is currently safe enough to have fish in it, The pH indicates that the tank is not exactly neutral but leaning into more of a base. The temperature is in the safe zone for most tropical fish as well.
I have not made any changes to the aquarium yet but if the plants continue to show signs of death, I will be removing them quickly. 

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